SSL – Check your cypher suites and SSL rating and more

For any website running SSL and HTTPS with a security certificate you can check your public facing rating by using a handy tool from Qualys.

Check HTTPS Website rating

this domain is currently A+ rated, yay!!!

I have achieved this by making sure I am using more secure and strong cipher suites with the server that is running the site (disabling the less secure cipher suites on the server).  I have also disabled all protocols on my server other than TLS 1.3 (SSL3, TLS 1.x etc is not secure at all!!). Always implemenmt HSTS also if you can, it will help a great deal 🙂

Using only TLS1.3 mitigates a few attacks like POODLE, Zombie and GOLDENDOODLE.

This makes the SSL much more compliant and secure. All website owners should check what cipher suites and protocols are enabled on their servers and get them changed for better security all round.




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